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How to Protect Your Energy During a Psychic Reading

When it comes to receiving a psychic reading, it's important to remember that you are opening yourself up to the energies and vibrations of another person. While most psychics operate with positive intentions, it's still important to take steps to protect your own energy and ensure that you have a safe and positive experience. Here are some tips on how to protect your energy during a psychic reading:

  1. Set Your Intentions: Before you start your reading, take a moment to set your intentions. Visualize yourself surrounded by a white light of protection and state your intention to only allow in positive and loving energies during the reading.

  2. Ground Yourself: Grounding is an important practice for protecting your energy. Before the reading, take some deep breaths and visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth. This will help you feel connected to the earth and centered in your body.

  3. Ask for Protection: You can also ask for protection from your spirit guides, angels, or any other higher power that you feel connected to. Ask them to surround you with love and light and to protect you from any negative energies.

  4. Use Crystals: Crystals are a powerful tool for protecting your energy. You can carry or wear crystals like black tourmaline, amethyst, or clear quartz to help absorb any negative energy and protect your aura.

  5. Speak Up: If at any point during the reading you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, speak up. You have the right to set boundaries and ask for the reading to stop if you need to. Remember that you are in control of your own energy and it's important to honor your own intuition and boundaries.

By following these tips, you can protect your energy and have a positive and uplifting psychic reading experience. Remember that your energy is precious and it's important to take care of it.

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